Did you know that within the month of May we recognize National Nurses Week, Teacher’s Appreciation Week, National Military Appreciation Month, and National Emergency Medical Services Week?
We believe it is never too late to acknowledge our heroes. Recognizing the tremendous efforts of those who have been, in one way or another, battling at frontlines, the Novi Wealth Team would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude.
In honor of our healthcare heroes, who continue to face the realities of COVID-19 daily and have yet to back down, we have made a donation to:

The American Nurse Foundation: Coronavirus Response Fund which focuses on the emerging needs of nurses including providing direct financial assistance to nurses and supporting the mental health of nurses.
To our amazing educators, who work longer hours trying to continually create strategies for teaching on-line, in-person, and all the methods in between – we show our humble appreciation via a donation to:

Teach For America which aims to address the achievement gap in high-needs schools by enlisting the help of recent college graduates in exchange for a two-year commitment to teaching.
And to the military personnel who keep us safe, risking their lives for ours, we extend our gratitude to you via a donation to:

The National Military Family Association who are on a mission to stand up for, support, and enhance the quality of life for every military families.
We chose these charities because each focused on giving back to the professionals working the front lines as we continue to do our part in social distancing, working from home, and masking up.